Jesus Is King: A Kanye West Experience
Jesus Is King: A Kanye West Experience
Kanye West will bring “Jesus Is King: A Kanye West Experience” to the Fox Theatre in The District Detroit tonight – Friday, September 27 at 8 p.m. Guests are strongly encouraged to arrive early for this event. Doors will open to the Grand Lobby starting at 6:30 p.m.
Tickets for this event are free, general admission and only available via This will be a MOBILE-ONLY event with no pdf’s, ticket transfers or screenshots permitted. We recommend guests download their ticket to their wallet for easier entry. Additionally, this event will be a PHONE-FREE environment, which includes smart watches. The tour has partnered with YONDR and upon entry with the mobile ticket, cell phones and smart phones will be locked in a YONDR pouch until after the show. For details on YONDR, see following graphic.

Mobile Ticketing FAQ
Yondr FAQ
Additional Ticket Information
This show mobile only and tickets are only available online at For more information about mobile ticketing for 313 Presents shows CLICK HERE.